Tag: meatless

My version of the Viral Tik Tok Pasta

  I cannot believe I have not shared this recipe with you yet. I am pretty sure I have made it weekly for the last month. Which if you know me is a lot given that most of the time I am to busy trying out new recipes to...

Cauliflower Rice Bowl

Cauliflower Rice Bowl This recipe is so easy and comes together so quickly. It is perfect for those nights that you may have forgot to unthaw your meat or just got home late and don’t know what to cook. This is a great Fab four meal with protein from...

Brussels Sprout Salad

How we holding up friends? I won’t lie I have good days and bad, days that I find myself slipping down a wormhole, of this never ending and my house walls collapsing in on me (it is a dark hole) 😲 I try really hard to try and end...

Root Vegetable Soup

As I am typing up this recipe today it is pouring rain outside and it is having me wishing I had on the ingredients on hand to make this. Nothing sounds more comforting then a creamy soup on a cold rainy day. This soup defiantly fits that bill and...

Wheat Berry Salad

Hope everyone had a wonderful Labor day weekend. I spent most of mine driving around trying to get a nail puncture fixed on my tire, (why is it that no one will plug tires anymore) after a long afternoon I ended up just buying a tire plug kit and...