Beets, Beets and More Beets
I love this time of year, when all the hard work of tealing and weeding your garden are finally worth it. When all your fruits and vegetables can be harvested and enjoyed. One of the items enjoyed from the garden this year was beets. This is a vegetable that people either love or hate in my opinion. I love them but my husband does not.I personally love the taste but they are also great source of nutrients and have multiple health benefits. It is also low in calories and low in fat. The root of the plant is a high source of phytochemicals which have properties for lowering homocystiene levels in blood (which lowers plaque formation in blood vessels). Raw beets are also good source of folate (folate is necessary for DNA synthesis within the cells). Especially important during pregnancy. The roots are also good source of B complex vitamins. The beet tops are excellent source of Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. It reduces free radicals within the body and lowers risk of cancer. The tops are also high in carotenoids, flavonoid antioxidants, and Vitamin A. Vegetables high in flavonoids help to protect lung from cancer, and vitamin A is needed for healthy eyes, skin and mucous membranes. In breakdown they are low in fat and calories, lower chances of cardiovascular risk, aid in DNA synthesis, lower free radicals. Lastly promotes healthy eyes, skin, and mucous membranes.
I love to just boil or saute the greens with a little butter and salt and pepper. The beet bottoms are great in lots of salads including pasta, and lettuce salads. They also taste great alone with a little cheese and vinaigrette on them. So if you have not ever tried beets I hope I have given you enough reasons to add them to your diet or at least try them.