A new beginning 2016
Life seems to moving along so quickly. With each new year I reevaluate last year and what I want to change and do better this year. My favorite thing about the new year is that it is always a new beginning for me. A fresh start on new goals and dreams. One of my major goals is to be healthier, and to do this I decided to revamp my diet. To start out strong I decided to detox and begin with doing the Whole30 . I also talked my mom and sister into joining me on this 30 day journey. If you have been feeling crappy and gained weight over the holiday season like I did this is a great plan to help you detox and get your diet back on track. I would recommend doing this plan once a year to reevaluate how food is affecting you, because as we age things that use to not have any negative effects can change. Even though you can do the diet without the book I would recommend getting it so that you can read and understand the purpose behind it. It’s also nice to know and understand the symptoms that you may experience along the way. Today is day five for me and the last few days my symptoms have been as the book explained. I have been tired and am starting to fill like I am getting sick. You know that feeling when you are not sick in bed but you don’t fill like you are at the top of your game. This morning for breakfast I had an egg scramble. It had bell peppers, onion, egg, spinach and a little salt and pepper to taste. I will continue to share how my Whole30 journey is going and before and after pictures at the end.